

Antalya Periodontology, It is the department of dentistry which examines the surrounding tissues of the teeth and deals with problems occurring in the gingiva, bone around the tooth, gingiva around the implant and bone tissues.

The healthy gums are light pink in color, have an orange peel texture and are non-bleeding.Bleeding of the gums is an indication that the gum tissue is infected.The gingival recession also indicates damage to the bone around the tooth, one of the supporting tissues of the tooth.

The gum tissues follow each other in adjacent teeth.If there is a gingival recession, various non-consecutive gingival margins may be seen.The gingival recession therapies are surgical treatments. It is restored using the patient’s own soft tissues.

Smoking is very harmful for gingival tissues.It affects the tissue structure negatively in terms of consistency, color, shape, gingival disease potential, healing potential, rate of gum disease and possible damage level.

Tooth cleaning Mistakes

We consume many foods and drinks on a daily basis.Thus, all surfaces of our teeth such as the internal, external, anterior, posterior surfaces as well as the surfaces between two teeth get contaminated.

In order to maintain oral and dental health, it is important that cleaning habits are regular and applied with the right habits.

Different cleaning tools may be needed for each of us.It is recommended that care habits be supervised by a gum specialist.

Symptoms of gum disease:
Antalya Periodontology

  • Spontaneous bleeding of the gums during tooth brushing
  • Red, swollen and sensitive gums.
  • Bad breath.
  • Gingival recession
  • Gums that can easily separate from teeth.
  • Inflammatory discharge between teeth and gums.
  • Swinging teeth or increasingly distant teeth. (Occurrence or increase of existing spacing between teeth.)
  • Changes in the relationship between the upper and lower teeth during biting.
  • Alteration of the existing prosthesis.

Causes of gum disease

The most important cause of gum disease is a “bacterial tooth plaque”, a sticky, yellowish white layer that accumulates on the teeth. The removal of this plaque thanks to daily brushing and floss use is a basic requirement for a healthy mouth. If the plaque is not effectively removed from the teeth, it becomes a permeable structure with an irregular surface known as calculus or tartar. Harmful products released by bacteria on the plaque cause irritation of the gums.Because of these products, the fibers that connect the gum firmly to the teeth are destroyed, the gum moves away from the tooth and a periodontal pocket forms.This facilitates the progression of bacteria and their products into deeper tissues.As the disease progresses, the pocket deepens, the bacteria go deeper; and the destruction of the alveolar bone supporting the tooth begins.If the disease is left untreated, the teeth will eventually shake and may even require extraction.

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