Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, jaw surgery such as normal and surgical extractions of teeth, impacted tooth operations, implant placement, operations and reconstruction of jaw cysts and tumors, preprosthetic surgery operations, surgical treatments of jaw -facial fractures, orthognathic surgery operations and jaw joint operations. -It is the branch of science in which operations related to the facial area are performed.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery includes surgical removal of all impacted teeth in the mouth, as well as cystic structures attached to the mouth and teeth, and corrections made in the hard and soft tissues of the mouth to assist in the construction of prosthesis.

He also performs jaw fractures and root tip resections.

Can everyone get implants?
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

YES, the most important criteria when making an implant is that there is no systemic disorder that would prevent the implant from fusing with the bone and that there is sufficient bone support in the area where the implant will be placed. However, if a disease that prevents healing, such as systemic diabetes, is kept under control with medications, implant application does not pose an obstacle.

Is a surgical preparation necessary in the mouth before making a prosthesis?
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Although not in every patient, it may be necessary to perform a surgical intervention before the prosthesis in some patients. Especially in patients who have lost their teeth a long time ago or who are one year old, there may not be a bone area in the mouth where the prosthesis will sit. Sometimes the old denture may cause dents or some tissue irregularities in the mouth. Therefore, it will not be possible to take a healthy measurement and make a suitable prosthesis without correcting these.

What should be done in case of any blow to the mouth, chin and face area?

If there is no brain damage, the patient should be referred to a maxillofacial surgeon with suspected fractures in the mouth, jaw and facial bones. Necessary radiological examinations should be performed and if there are fractures in the jaws, radiological treatment should be started without delay.

What is the most important mistake made in the treatment of dental abscesses (infections)?

Tooth-related abscesses appear as pus-filled swellings inside or outside the mouth. These inflamed swellings must be surgically opened immediately and the inflammation inside must be drained. The fact that patients often try to treat themselves by using only antibiotics makes treatment difficult because the abscess cannot be drained.

How are oral surgical procedures performed?

Oral surgery is performed under operating room conditions and in a sterile environment by experts in this field. Intraoral surgical interventions are mostly performed under local anesthesia, that is, numbing the relevant area by injecting injections, and sometimes patients can be performed under general anesthesia (narcosis) or sedation.

What is general anesthesia (narcosis) and sedation?

General anesthesia is a type of anesthesia in which a state of anesthesia is achieved by administering intravenous drugs and knockout gas to the patient. It is mostly preferred in fearful and anxious patients, mentally retarded people and in cases where local anesthesia is not sufficient. Sedation is an anesthesia in which the patient is only compliant with intravenous drugs. Sedation has no numbing effect; Therefore, patients are also given local anesthesia to numb the area where surgery will be performed.

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